Veissmann Boilers - Installation and Repair in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical in Indianapolis, IN sells, installs, and repairs Veissmann Boilers in Indiana.
Veissmann Oil-Fired Boilers, 83 to 300 MBH
Veissmann Vitorond 100
A triple-pass boiler of cast iron sectional design.
Vitola 200
Hot water heating boiler with cast iron/steel biferral heat exchanger surface for modulating boiler water temperatures without low limit.
Veissmann Gas-Fired Boilers, 65 to 300 MBH
Vitogas 050
Atmospheric gas-fired hot water heating boiler in a sectional cast iron design.
Vitogas 050, ECD-S
Atmospheric gas-fired hot water heating boiler in a sectional cast iron design.
Vitogas 100
Atmospheric gas-fired boiler in a sectional cast iron design with stainless steel premix burner.
Vitola 200
Hot water heating boiler with cast iron/steel biferral heat exchanger surface for modulating boiler water temperatures without low limit.
Veissmann Wall-Mounted Condensing Boilers, 25 to 230 MBH
Vitodens 100
Natural gas-fired wall-mounted condensing boiler with modulating stainless steel cylinder burner and Inox-Radial heat exchanger surface.
Vitodens 200
A compact wall-mounted condensing boiler with Inox-Radial heat exchanger surface and MatriX-compact burner.
Veissmann Commercial Boilers, 300 to 4387 MBH
Vitogas 050
Atmospheric gas-fired hot water heating boiler in sectional cast iron design with single- or two-stage burners.
Vitogas 100
Atmospheric gas-fired hot water heating boiler in a sectional cast iron design with stainless steel premix burner, and two-stage fire.
Vitorond 200
Oil-/Gas-fired sectional cast iron hot water heating boiler. Eutectoplex triple-pass heat exchanger surface for operation with modulating water temperatures.
Vitocrossal 300
High efficiency, gas-fired condensing boiler with Inox-Crossal heat exchanger surface in corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
Veissmann Indirect-Fired Domestic Hot Water Tanks
- Steel tanks with Ceraprotect two-coat enamel finish
- Vitocell-H 100 - Capacity: 42 and 53 USG / 160 and 200 liters
- Vitocell-V 100 - Capacity: 42 to 120 USG / 160 to 450 liters
- Vitocell-B 100 - Dual heat exchanger coil for solar heating applications in conjunction with solar collectors and a heating boiler. Capacity: 79 and 120 USG / 300 and 450 liters. Stainless steel tanks
- Vitocell-H 300 - Capacity: 42 to 120 USG / 160 to 450 liters
- Vitocell-V 300 - Capacity: 53 to 120 USG / 200 to 450 liters
- Vitocell-B 300 - Dual heat exchanger coil for solar heating applications in conjunction with solar collectors and a heating boiler. Capacity: 79 and 120 USG / 300 and 450 liters
Veissmann Boiler Controls
- Vitotronic 100 - Top performance boiler controls for basic heating systems without a mixing valve.
- Vitotronic 200/300 - Digital boiler controls for hot water heating systems with one or more heating circuits
- Vitotronic Commercial Controls - Digital boiler controls for boiler, burner and heating system control for Vitocrossal 300 and Vitorond 200 series boilers.
- Vitocontrol-C Custom Control Panels - Custom controls for residential or commercial applications.
For more information on Veissmann Boilers in Indiana, call Burgess Mechanical at 317-862-4395.
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