Teledyne-Laars Boiler Repair in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical repairs Teledyne-Laars Boilers in Indianapolis, IN and the surrounding areas.
Condensing Hydronic Boiler
9600 CB Condensing Hydronic Boiler
Solve installation problems and significantly reduce running costs with Laars Heating System's Condensing Boiler. The CB is a low mass, condensing boiler that utilizes a stainless steel economizer tube to achieve operating efficiencies of up to 96%. Low mass eliminates standby and radiation losses typically suffered by storage type boilers because the CB's heat exchanger heats up instantly upon demand.
Rheos + Condensing Hydronic Boiler
Fully-modulating, fully condensing, compact, sealed combustion, low NOx and up to 98% efficient. LAARS Heating Systems engineers designed the RHEOS+ boiler/water heater to provide ultra-high performance and superior efficiency. They are the ideal choice for demanding commercial jobs requiring 1.2 to 2.4 million BTU/hour. Seamless combustion modulation from 25 to 100 percent of full input maintains maximum efficiency and helps cut operating costs as much as 50 percent. The heart of every LAARS RHEOS+ boiler/water heater is the patented, double-row, copper-finned tube heat exchanger and a 48-row stainless steel economizer that maximizes water heating surface area. Coupled with a powerful stainless steel burner and an industrial grade gas control system, this design delivers the highest heat transfer per square foot of floor space available. With its compact through-the-door design, NOx emission levels of less than10ppm, and controls that automatically adjust boiler performance to meet the required heating load,the RHEOS+ is a truly innovative and virtually perfect breakthrough in commercial heating.
Summit Condensing Hydronic Boiler
The Summit is a low mass, condensing, modulating water heater that utilizes a stainless steel economizer coil to achieve operating efficiencies of up to 96%. The low mass heat exchanger eliminates standby and radiation losses typically suffered by chimney vented, tank type water heaters.
For more information on Laars heating products, contact Burgess Mechanical in Indiana at 317-862-4395.