Sellers Boilers - Sales, Installation and Repair in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical sells, installs and repairs Sellers Boilers
Gas Fired Boilers
- Immersion Fired Firetube Boilers
- Horizontal firetube boiler
- Guaranteed High Efficiency
- 20-year Non-prorated Thermal Shock Warranty
- Up to 150º F Supply vs. Return Water T
- Five Year Non-prorated Burner Warranty
- Low NOx
- Low Maintenance
- No Refractory
- 10 - 800 BHP Gas Fired
- LP & HP Steam & Hot Water
- Construction up to 300 PSI
TP Compact Firetube Boilers
- Two-pass compact horizontal firetube boiler
- 5 Year Warranty - Water,
- Up to 60 ºF Supply vs. Return Water T
- Five Year Non-prorated Burner Warranty
- Low Maintenance
- 20 - 125 BHP Gas Fired
Sellers-Ygnis Firetube Boilers
- 3-pass, horizontal firetube, water backed boiler
- LP & HP Steam & Hot Water
- Gas & # 2 Oil, 20 - 600 BHP
Immersion Fired "Ohio Special" Firetube Boilers
- Horizontal firetube boiler - up to 250 Boiler Horsepower
- Guaranteed High Efficiency
- 81.2% Efficiency at 100 PSI Operating Pressure Without an Economizer
- 5-year Non-prorated Thermal Shock Warranty
- Five Year Non-prorated Burner Warranty
- Low Maintenance
- No Refractory
- Construction up to 300 PSI
Immersion Fired Water Heaters
- One-pass horizontal firetube
- 82% Guaranteed minimum fuel-to-water efficiency
- 10-year Shell Warranty
- Five Year Burner Warranty
- Low Maintenance
- No Refractory
- 800 - 20,000 MBH, Gas Fired
- Storage Capacities up to 2800 gallons
TP Compact Water Heaters
- Two-pass compact horizontal firetube
- 10 Year Shell Warranty
- Low maintenance
- Five Year Non-prorated Burner Warranty
- Low Maintenance
- 800 - 5,000 MBH, Gas Fired
- Storage Capacities up to 1060 Gallons
Heat-N-Store Packaged Storage Heaters
- Large volume storage water-heater
- Fully assembled, packaged system
- Single-wall or optional double-wall tubebundle
- 10 year storage tank warranty
- Pneumatic or Self-operating valve
- Storage volume to 1980 gal. vertical / 4000 gal. horizontal
- Heating capacity up to 18,000MBH
Semi-instantaneous Steam Water Heater
- Vertical or Horizontal Packaged Steam-to-Water Heater
- Compact
- Pneumatic or Self-operating valve
- Stainless steel or copper water wetted surfaces
- Single-wall or optional double-wall tubebundle
- Includes: control panel, valves, steam trap, heat-exchanger, pump, temperature controls, and gauges
Packaged combination deaerator & feed system including:
- Receiver
- Multiple Pumps
- Drain Valves
- Temperature, pressure and water gauges
- Valves
- Pre-wired controls and starter
- Structural steel stand
- 3,450 - 103,500 #-Steam /Hr (6.9 - 207 GPM)
- Pressurized or Atmospheric
- Split Tank and Single Tank Designs
Boiler Feed Systems
Packaged boiler feed system including:
- Receiver
- Multiple Pumps
- Drain Valves
- Temperature and water gauges
- Valves
- Pre-wired controls and starters
- Structural steel stand
- 33 - 1264 gal. receivers
- 3 - 125 GPM pumps for 25 - 1200 BHP boilers
- 15 - 200 Boiler operating pressure
- 2 or 3 pump setups
- 18 Month warranty
- Corrosion Protection
- Pressurized Return System
For more information on chosing the right Sellers Boiler in Indiana, contact Burgess Mechanical at 317-862-4395.