Patterson-Kelley Boilers Repair in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical sells, installs and services Patterson Kelly boilers in Indiana. Now manufactured under the name Harsco PK and/or Harsco Industrial Patterson-Kelley.
Condensing Boilers
Patterson-Kelley’s full modulation condensing boilers reinvent an old technology for a new century. These innovative boilers offer some of the highest efficiencies in the industry together with low emissions performance to dramatically decrease fuel bills and help you “go green.”
MACH Boilers
Patterson-Kelley’s new MACH Series cast aluminum sectional hot water boilers redefine the condensing versus non-condensing categories with a revolutionary approach to boiler applications, traditional materials and design methods. Use a non-condensing boiler where the required water temperature is high. Use a condensing boiler where a lower water temperature can be used. Or consider a more innovative solution: divide the load between the boilers, one or more of each type, and install a control package that dispatches the right boiler based on current load conditions and water temperature requirements.
Non-condensing Boilers
For older systems, buildings with existing steel or masonry chimneys or systems that require higher temperature water for most or all operating hours, Patterson-Kelley offers the industry’s most innovative non-condensing boilers. All boilers in this category are built with a time-tested copper heat exchanger.
Thermific Boilers
When it comes to small size, big output, Patterson-Kelley’s Thermific Gas-Fired Hot Water Boiler is hard to beat. So compact that even the largest models can be moved through a 30” doorway; the Thermific also delivers one of the highest thermal efficiency level that a non-condensing, gas-fired boiler can achieve.
Modu-Fire FD Boiler
If your new construction, replacement or retro-fit project calls for a non-condensing boiler, Patterson-Kelley has the solution plus a quick return on your investment. Our reliable, full-modulation Modu-Fire FD boiler is the ultimate non-condensing boiler with high efficiencies and high heat transfer ratios leading to lower operating costs and lower fuel bills.
Gemini Selectable Propane/Natural Gas Hot Water Boiler
Patterson-Kelley’s Gemini dual-fuel copper boiler with computerized fuel changeover capabilities lets you take advantage of interruptible gas service discounts where offered by local gas companies, so you save on fuel costs and enjoy a quick ROI.
Weathermaster Outdoor Boiler
If space is at a premium in your facility, you can install these boilers outside and avoid the expense and trouble of constructing any additional mechanical room space. Patterson-Kelley’s Weathermaster outdoor boilers stand up to the toughest of outdoor conditions, operating in ambient temperatures as low as minus 20° F.
Hybrid Boilers
Hybrid boiler systems utilize both condensing and non-condensing boilers in the same boiler room. Customers often save 50% or more on fuel and 30% or more on installation costs. Hybrid systems make saving energy and “green” operation practical and affordable.
For more information on choosing the right Patterson-Kelley Boiler in Indiana, contact Burgess Mechanical in Indianapolis, IN at 317-862-4395.
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