Lochinvar Boilers in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical sells, installs and repairs Lochinvar Boilers in Indiana.
Lochinvar Boilers:
Lochinvar Intelli-Fin Low NOx Boilers
- Up to 97 % Thermal Efficiency
- 1.5, 1.7 & 2.0 MBH
- 25 - 100% Infinitely Proportional
- Gas & Water Supply Flexibility
- Multiple Venting Solutions
- Advanced Burner Design
- LonWorks® Compatible
Lochinvar Copper-Fin 2 Boilers
- 85% Thermal Efficiency
- 400,000 - 2,070,000 Btu/Hr
- Heavy Duty, Gasketless Heat Exchanger
- Aire-Lock Direct Vent
- New Operator Interface with Electronic Controls
- Proportional Firing with Referenced Gas Valves
- Easier Access to BMS Connections
Lochinvar Knight XL Commercial Boiler
- Up to 94.6% Thermal Efficiency
- 399,000 - 800,000 Btu/Hr
- Smart System Control
- Internal Cascade Sequencer
- PVC or Stainless Steel Vent - up to 100 ft
- Condensing Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger
- Fully Modulating Burner w/ 5:1 Turndown
Lochinvar Solution Multi-stack Boiler
- 84.2% A.F.U.E. Efficiency
- 45,000 - 260,000 Btu/Hr
- Heavy Duty, Gasketless Heat Exchanger
- Lo/Hi/Lo Temperature Control
- Built-in Performance Loop
- CPVC/PVC Vent Kit Option
- Terminal Strip
Lochinvar Commercial Electric Compact Boiler
- Heavy Duty Steel Boiler Vessel Housing
- 15 - 480 kW Input
- 4" Fiberglass Insulation
- Key Locked Door
- Digital Temperature Readout
Lochinvar Power-Fin Boilers
- Up to 87% Thermal Efficiency
- 500,000 - 2,000,000 Btr/Hr.
- Infinite Modulation (2:1 or 5:1 Firing Turndown
- Heavy Duty, Gasketless Heat Exchanger
- Multiple Venting Solutions including Direct Vent
- Category I,II or IV Venting
- Low Inlet Gas Pressure Operation
Lochinvar Copper-Fin Commercial Boiler
- 81% Thermal Efficiency
- 495,000 - 2,065,000 Btu/Hr
- Heavy Duty, Gasketless Heat Exchanger
- Smaller Vent Diameters
- Fits Through Standard 36" Doorway
- Advanced Control System with Diagnostic Lights
Lochinvar Knight Boiler
- 10 Models to Choose From
- 50,000 - 285,000 Btu/Hr
- 95.3% - 96% AFUE (50,000 - 285,000 Btu/Hr)
- Up to 98.6% Low Temp Application Efficiency
- Internal Cascading Sequencer
- PVC Venting - up to 100ft
- ENERGY STAR® Compliant
- Condensing Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger
- Fully Modulating Burner w/ 5:1 Turndown
- Wall mountable boiler
Lochinvar Commercial Electric Boilers
- Heavy Duty Steel Boiler Vessel Housing
- 320 - 3600 kW Input
- 3" Fiberglass Insulation
- Key Locked Door
- Digital Temperature Readout
Lochinvar Commercial Electric Steam Boilers
- Heavy Duty Steel Boiler Vessel Housing
- 60 - 3080 kW Input
- 3" Fiberglass Insulation
- Key Locked Door
- Electric Control Panel
For more information on choosing the right Lochinvar boiler in Indiana, contact Burgess Mechanical at 317-862-4395.
For more product info visit http://www.lochinvar.com