Hydrotherm Boilers in Indiana
Burgess Mechanical sells, installs, services and repairs Hydrotherm Boilers in Indanapolis, IN.
Hydrotherm CS300 Gas-fired Cast Iron Boiler
The CS300 Series cast iron boiler is ideal for commercial steam heating systems utilizing natural or propane gases. Eight sizes ranging from 400,000 MBH to 1,100 MBH, make it easy to select the right size boiler to fit your specification and budget, offering low-cost installation based on ease of assembly. Boilers are tapped for right or left hand piping to provide versatility in tight spaces. Heavy-duty cast iron section are compact to minimize boiler height for low ceiling installations. Flexible, high-temperature seals reduce assembly time. Maintenance is simplified with easy access flue cleanout openings located in the front of the unit.
GB300 series boilers include:
- Rugged cast-iron construction
- Compact design for ease of handling and assembly
- Machined ports for precision surfaces
- Aluminized steel flue collector
- Integral draft hood design maintains low profile
- Flexible, high temperature seals reduce assembly time
- East access front cleanout
Hydrotherm KN Boiler
High efficiency and small footprint of modern copper boilers, with the long life and reliability of cast iron boilers. The Hydrotherm KN Series boiler possesses a combination of capabilities and features that provide compelling benefits.
- Gas Fired
- Cast Iron
- Modulating
- Sealed Combustion
- Condensing
- Efficient
- Low NOx
- Small Footprint - Fits through a doorway
- Whisper Quiet
- Ceramic Burner
MR Gas-Fired Boiler
Multi- Temp modular gas-fired hydronic (water) heating plants, 360,000 to 2,400,000 Btu input and larger, consists of individual, self-contained boiler modules, each of which can operate completely independent of the other units. Ideally suited for heavy duty space heating, large volume water heating or a combination of space/volume water heating with an external heat exchanger. Maximum efficiency is attained by step-firing only the modules which are required to satisfy the heating demand. Modules, which are grouped under a single extended jacket, can be arranged in module-banks, side-by-side or back-to-back, to provide a heating plant of almost unlimited capacity.
Hydrotherm MG Gas-Fired Boiler
The MG modular heating plants feature power gas burners with quiet, motor driven blowers that provide the right amount of combustion air for a compact, steady and efficient flame. Electronic flame safeguard assures reliable firing and operation. Heavy duty cast-iron construction is highly resistant to scaling and corrosion, resulting in superior durability and long life.
Hydrotherm VGAM Gas-Fired Boiler
This series of modular, gas-fired, steam boilers feature fully assembled, vertical cast-iron heat exhangers. Eight different sizing options from 500 MBH to 2,400 MBH offered in both standing and intermittent pilot. Heavy duty cast-iron construction is highly resistant to scaling and corrosion, resulting in superior durability and long life.
Hydrotherm Oil-fired Boiler
Multi-Temp oil-fired hydronic (water) modular heating plants, 420,000 to 6,930,000 Btuh input and larger with a combustion efficiency over 83%, represent a modern concept in the use of Number 2 fuel oil by providing desired capacity with multiple boiler burner units, increasing heat performance and eliminating short cycling. Ideally suited for heavy duty space heating, large volume water heating or a combination of space/ volume water heating with external heat exchanger. Maximum efficiency is attained by step-firing only the modules which are required to satisfy the heating demand. For more information, see Hydrotherm Engineering Manual.
Standard features:
- Flame retention 3450 RPM oil burner. Natural draft firing. Reliable cadmium cell flame detector.
- Standard cast iron absorption units with horizontal section design for quick pick-up, low draft loss and quiet, clean combustion. Cast iron domes. Low water content.
- Extended, insulated gray aquanamel steel jacket.
- Soft refractory combustion chamber in heavy metal base.
- Immersion, well-type Hi-limit aquastats, ASME pressure relief valves, temperature/pressure indicators, draft regulator assemblies, and drain valves supplied with modules.